When you notice how relaxed and at ease you feel at the beach, it’s not just all in your head. It has been scientifically proven it changes the way you react to your environment that leaves you feeling happy, relaxed and reenergized.
Nature in general has always been a factor in healthy happy lives, but the beach in particular is so good for the soul. Water is nature’s cure to life’s stressors. It’s full of naturally occurring positive ions that are known for having the ability to make you feel relaxed.
Much like meditation, the beach triggers a feeling of calmness that allows you to tune everything else out and reflect on what it is you need to focus on. The sound of the waves in combination with the sight and smells of the beach can put you into a meditative space. In turn, you can clear your mind and reflect on life in a safe space away from the chaos of your daily life.
Just like the changing ocean tides, we experience change in our everyday lives, which is why we can channel the energy of the ocean to help us go with the flow. If you live near the ocean, then frequent trips to the beach are easily incorporated into your routine. However, not everyone has the opportunity to stroll down the boardwalk after work one evening, or plan a beach day for the upcoming weekend. Nevertheless, finding alternative ways to connect with the ocean can very much be a part of your reality!