Water is a conductor for emotional energy and is naturally grounding, as it calms, heals, cleanses, restores and revitalizes you when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain, or at odds with yourself or the world. This is why many people have a longing to be next to the sea – either viewing it, listening to it, or swimming in it – and choose to meditate near water, taking in the soothing, calming and balancing elements.
Start out your chakra-balancing meditation by focusing on the location of each chakra, and at the same time visualizing the color associated with it. The colors of the chakras are the same as the colors of the rainbow, starting with red at the root chakra and moving up to violet at the crown chakra. Focus your attention on one color at a time for a minute or two, visualizing the color of the water changing into the seven colors of the chakras, starting at the root chakra and working up through the crown chakra.
As you feel the water on your skin, remember that you are made of approximately 70% water. Immerse yourself in the feeling of the water soaking into your body; bring the senses alive by paying attention to the sensation of the skin as the water absorbs into it; notice the sound of the water as it rains down on you.
As the water cleanses your skin, you can imagine your anxieties, stress and worries being washed away and swirling down the drain, clearing out toxicity and removing any negative energy you may be carrying.
The first chakra to focus on is the root chakra, so concentrate your attention to the area at the base of the spine and visualize the water changing color, so that it is now the color red. The root chakra is your connection to the earth and relates to security, stability, balance, identity and feeling grounded. It is also connected to instinct and survival. When this chakra is balanced it stabilizes and regulates energy throughout all of the chakras.
The second chakra to focus on is the sacral chakra, which is located in the pelvic area just beneath the navel. It is associated with the color orange and relates to pleasure, desire, sexuality and creativity. Visualize the water now changing to orange; this color balances and boosts energy, enhances creativity, increases happiness and eliminates negativity.
The third chakra to focus on is the solar plexus chakra and is located in the upper abdomen, just below the breastbone. It is associated with the color yellow and is related to your willpower, confidence, self-esteem, self-expression and authenticity. Imagine the water changing to the color yellow, as this is believed to cleanse and dispel negativity, alleviate depression, rejuvenate energy and shield and protect the aura from absorbing negative emotions.
The next chakra to focus on is the fourth chakra, known as the heart chakra, which is located at the center of the chest. This chakra identifies with the color green, so as the green water flows, it enhances universal love, peace, and compassion, and promotes healing, unity and alignment. It also helps you to understand your relation to everything that connects you to love and accept one another unconditionally. Visualizing its green glow can heighten empathy, alleviate anxiety, help with forgiveness, transmute pain and fear into love, enhance unconditional love and heal emotional wounds.
The fifth chakra is known as the throat chakra, and it is located in the throat area. It is associated with the color blue, so you can now imagine the water turning to a beautiful shade of blue, which is associated with speech, truth, expression and communication. The color blue is believed to be healing, calming, peaceful and harmonious, and improves clear communication.
The sixth chakra to bring your attention to is known as the brow or third-eye chakra, and is located at the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with the color indigo, and as the water changes color again, you will receive enhanced intuition, imagination, insight, discernment and inner knowledge. When this chakra is open, you become more awakened, consciously aware, and can see both your inner and outer worlds with clarity. Indigo is known to calm the mind, promote clarity, heighten spiritual love, promote inspiration and help you connect to your higher self.
The seventh chakra to focus your attention on is your crown chakra and it is located at the top of the head. It is associated with the color violet, so as the water changes to violet, you can receive enhanced awareness, spirituality, integrity and consciousness. This chakra’s violet glow has a divine and iridescent hue that is enlightening and transformational as it provides you with a powerful spiritual energy that enhances every aspect of your life.