It gives you access to higher states of consciousness and opens you up to what is beyond your personal thoughts and visions.
This Chakra governs your consciousness and subconsciousness while it influences your spirituality and inner wisdom. The function of the Crown Chakra is pure consciousness and puts you in touch with the Divine. There is no intellectual process at this level, but there is serenity, joy and a deep peace about life.
The color of the Crown Chakra is violet and it is the color of spirituality. It has the shortest wavelength and the highest vibration of the colors of the visible spectrum of light. Violet connects to letting go and transformation. It holds the promise of peace and tranquility in the knowledge of profound change. Violet is cleansing and purifying. It is the color of connection, magic, mystery and mysticism. It allows you to glimpse other realities, beyond your physical and material reality of the earth plane. Violet is pure cosmic energy.
Balanced Crown Chakra Energy
On a physical level, the color violet relates to the cerebral cortex and the brain. People with balanced violet energy radiate health, peace and effortless energy. Mentally, violet energy people are open minded, curious and deep thinkers. They love learning, studying and reading. They question what they learn, introspect and find connections and patterns within everything. On an emotional level, violet is a color of letting go to give space for something new to be born. Spiritually, violet indicates a person who is able to give without the need for acknowledgement or recognition. The spiritual aspect of the color violet is being of service, spirituality and healing.
For most, experiences of Crown Chakra energy can be fleeting moments of transcendence. But it is enough to sustain trust and faith in a Divine connection. It is enough for most to continue on the path of healing and transformation. The Crown Chakra is known as the gateway to the cosmic or Divine self, to universal consciousness. It is linked to the infinite. You can learn to increase the likelihood of having these experiences through meditation, prayer, chanting and deep contemplation.
The Meeting Point Between the Body and Spirit
Because of its location, the Crown Chakra is closely associated with the brain and the nervous system. The Crown Chakra is also associated to the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. They work together to regulate the endocrine system. The Crown Chakra is the meeting point between the body and the spirit. When your Crown Chakra is open, you are aware that everything is interconnected, and you begin to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than filled with fear and anxiety. The energy of the Crown Chakra is the feeling of a blissful union with all that is, of spiritual ecstasy. This Chakra allows access to the utmost clarity and enlightened wisdom when it is open. Energetically, the Crown Chakra is connected to the Root Chakra, as they both are at the extremities of the Chakra system. When your Chakra system is clear, you understand that you are guided by a higher power and you are open to receive Divine guidance, while at the same time you stay firmly anchored in the salt of the earth.
If your Crown Chakra is closed you are unaware of a higher power and you will be closed off from Divine communication. A closed Crown Chakra can limit spiritual growth and cause isolation and emotional distress. You may feel angry, isolated, disconnected or abandoned by your higher power. You may suffer from migraine or tension headaches, insomnia, depression, schizophrenia or delusional disorders. An overactive Crown Chakra results in rigid rituals in an attempt to become grounded again. In some cases, an overactive Crown Chakra may also create feelings of superiority toward others, a sense of unearned accomplishment and aggression. It is not uncommon to distrust others, feel lost or as though you’re in the midst of a crisis when the Crown Chakra is too active.
Balancing the Crown Chakra
Meditation is one of the most effective methods for balancing and healing the Crown Chakra. To open your Crown Chakra, it can help to visualize a violet flame or brilliant white light pouring into the top of your head, washing away any blockages. It can also help to visualize a violet or white lotus flower unfurling, because the symbol of the Crown Chakra is a lotus flower with 1,000 petals. Regular meditation or prayer is the most important factor in healing this Chakra. Silence is the best medicine for Crown Chakra activation, because it does not distract from spiritual practice. The sound of Om and deep, tonal sounds can also be healing music for the Crown Chakra because of their universal nature. Learning to bring your awareness to the present moment and live your life moment to moment will also strengthen your connection the Divine.
Depending on the severity of the blockage, you may need to incorporate not only Chakra healing meditation, but also yoga, or other forms of energy healing, from reiki to acupuncture and sound therapy – such as Chakra bowls or tuning forks. Aromatherapy is another useful tool for Chakra balancing. To heal the Crown Chakra, essential oils such as lavender, holy basil and myrrh will assist in balancing the energy or increase movement and energy flow.
The use of Chakra crystals and healing stones for Chakra cleansing is also common. The vibrational frequencies of crystals can help restore balance when there is a deficiency or excess of energy leading to a blocked or overactive Crown Chakra. Like the Chakras, each stone has its own frequency. Although it is common practice to choose stones of the same color as their corresponding Chakra, it isn’t always necessary as long the stone has the same vibrational frequency as its associated Chakra. Some violet stones and other options for healing the Crown Chakra are tanzanite, angelite, opal, and selenite.
When exploring ways you can restore balance to your Chakra system, consider adding healing foods to your diet. Just as each Chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color and function, there are also foods that help bolster individual Chakra function. When concentrating on the Crown Chakra, consider adding naturally violet or white-colored foods, such as figs, plums, coconut and lychee.
Many people don’t think about optimizing their energy or emotions using tea, but it’s also an easy and inexpensive way to create balance in your Chakras. Drinking lavender tea helps open the Crown Chakra and allows you to access a state of pure peace and can move your consciousness beyond the physical plane. It is calming and soothing, allowing you to get into a healing vibration. It can help move energy from the lower Chakras to the upper Chakras so that you can experience happiness and joy. It is excellent for reducing stress. Alternatively, you can make a strong tea and add it to your bathwater and soak in it while reading or meditating.