The Chakras

You’re connected to the sea. No matter where on earth you live. ~ Sylvia Earle

The modern-day Siren is an archetype that embodies the Spirit of the Sea. It is applicable to anyone who can dive below the surface of their intellect to explore the depths of their inner world for the purpose of self-healing and personal empowerment.

Chakra Sirens Energy Healing Cards are designed to guide you to access your intuition and reveal the hidden wisdom that lies beneath the surface of your conscious mind. They will help you discover a whole new world, a world within yourself, where you tap into your personal power to make life choices that will take you to greater levels of peace, happiness, and fulfillment while expressing your most authentic and creative self. 

Your Body’s Energy Centers

The seven chakras are the energy centers in your body. Blocked energy in your seven chakras can often lead to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual illness, so it’s important to understand what each chakra represents and what you can do to keep this energy flowing freely. 

The Root or Base Chakra

Represents your foundation and feeling of being secure and grounded.

Location: Base of spine in tailbone area
Unbalanced: low self-esteem, self-centeredness
Balanced: stable, grounded
Color: red
Essential Oil: vetiver, cyprus, cedarwood
Gemstones: ruby, black tourmaline, red garnet
Herbs: ginseng, dandelion root

The Sacral Chakra

Represents your relationship to others and creative abilities.

Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel 
Unbalanced: overly sensitive, disempowered
Balanced: creative, balanced emotions
Color: orange
Essential Oil: jasmine, ylang ylang
Gemstones: orange carnelian, orange calcite, aragonite
Herbs: cinnamon bark

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents your ability to be confident and in control of your life.

Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
Unbalanced: fearful, judgmental
Balanced: strong personal power, healthy self-esteem
Color: yellow
Gemstones: pyrite, tiger’s eye, citrine
Essential Oils: ginger, geranium
Herbs: ginger, mint

The Heart Chakra

Represents your ability to love yourself and others.

Location: Center of chest just above the heart.
Unbalanced: possessive, fear of rejection
Balanced: unconditional love and compassion
Color: green, pink
Essential Oils: rose, rosehip
Gemstones: rose quartz, jade
Herbs: licorice

The Throat Chakra

Represents your ability to communicate and speak your truth.

Location: Throat
Unbalanced: unreliable
Balanced: satisfied, content, integrity
Color: blue
Essential Oils: lavender, geranium
Gemstones: turquoise, aquamarine
Herbs: lemon with turmeric

The Brow or Third Eye Chakra

Represents your ability to focus on and see the big picture.

Location: Forehead between the eyes 
Unbalanced: undisciplined, highly logical
Balanced: focus, intuition, centeredness
Color: indigo
Essential Oils: sandalwood, clary sage
Gemstones: moonstone, sodalite, lapis lazuli
Herbs: berry, jasmine

The Crown Chakra

Represents your ability to be fully connected spiritually.

Location: The very top of the head
Unbalanced: constantly exhausted, depressed
Balanced: clarity, higher awareness, grateful
Color: violet
Essential Oils: frankincense, blue chamomile
Gemstones: amethyst, lepidolite
Herbs:  lavender